Sunday, July 15, 2012

Go Big, Limp Home

I’m on day 3 of beautiful badass and today I did my first jog/run (with the aid of zombies) I find it amusing how the badass program (selected the weight loss one for starters because well that’s the first goal aside from becoming crazy strong) is a nice easy workout (easy also means low fitocracy points, oh well). Yes I am sore and it’s working, but it’s not like a pumped up hour long workout, it’s easy to finish and I feel the burn afterwards. Then there’s the C25k program, which right now has me intimidated to even start. I’m glad I signed up to do a 5k.. .that might actually force me to do it.. but in the same breath... wtf did I get myself into? It should be a fun 5k, not the Run for Your Lives obstacle 5k, this one is just run and get covered in colors and end up looking light an art class gone wrong. It’s quite possible that when I go into work the next day (or week) I will still be colored at least a little bit. Better make sure not to touch the cat before I’ve jumped in the shower for an hour or so.

Doing a crazy amount of climbing... I’m getting better and moving on to some of the more challenging climbs. Pretty good recovery given my sprained ankle in February, and I’m thinking more mental here than actual sprain recovery time. I love this sport so much, it’s like a breath of fresh air every time : ) I did manage to cut up my one hand from climbing so frequently, and during my run today I cut my ankle. Hard core or stupid, take your pick.

Been eating food, which is good. Cooking more which is also good. On other non-healthy/fitness news I’ve picked up my violin again. As of right now I’ve managed to play a scale and break my E string while tuning it. Not bad for having the violin sit in a closet untouched for 10+ years. I’m getting new strings for it and hopefully I’ll be able to re-string it and tune it up (again) and start playing more things.

Got a lot of work to do this week (at work) along with general working out. Then fly to Seattle for a party! Woot!


  1. We are headed to Portland in 2 weeks... it is 'close' to Seattle, in my mind, anyway. Have fun with all that you are doing these days! Color Me Rad? I'm still considering that one.

  2. It's the Northwest, I'll allow it, though I couldn't tell you where to go. I'm having a blast, exercise endorphin's are one of the greatest!

    Yup, Color Me Rad is this year...obstacle 5k's (and zombies) next year, assuming I am still alive after Color Me Rad ;) Let me know if you do it, even if you aren't on my "team" we can still meet up!
